Posted tagged ‘heart’

I knew it was love when… Jewelry Contest

February 12, 2012

*It's love* necklace

Hello Luvahs!

I thought it would be fun fun fun for all to have a jewelry giveaway using my new and sparkly Pinterest boards as a backdrop. Pinterest is sort of a very cool virtual pinboard that you can share with the masses.

Here’s what I’m gonna do.

1. First click on this to follow my boards on Pinterest. To do that you click the big red follow button under my profile picture.

2. Then go to my Jewelry pinboard.

3. Leave your answer to ” I knew it was love when…” in the comment section of any piece of jewelry on the board. It can be romantic, funny, creative… and you can answer it as many times as you like on as many pieces you want. You can talk about love for a person, thing, idea.. be creative.

4. IMPORTANT Then re-pin the piece (s) to one of your OWN pin boards. That’s right, I am outing all of the romantic people. : )I will be able to see all of this LOVE LOVE LOVELY activity on my activity report thingy and I’m hoping everybody will have a great time doing it. Maybe even be inspired. Maybe even fall in love. LOL. Feel free to comment on other people’s comments. This could potentially be hilarious, just think about it…

THE WINNER WOOOO HOOOO! will get a Gift Certificate to use on anything in my store for $75. I’ll announce the winner Tuesday morning, on Valentine’s day, of course!!!

Please ask me any questions in the comment section here. Or you can tweet me at @sueanneshirzay on twitter. 

I look forward to reading your amazing thoughts on LOVE!